What Does it Mean?

I'm not in the best of shape. I'm lumpy; I want to change that. I want to lose 100 pounds. It might be a bit much, but I'm going to try this in 100 days.
I think I've passed this mark. Going for March as my goal, now.

Weight Tracker

Weight Tracker
150 pounds by my trip in March?

Sunday, July 31, 2011



A small drop but still a drop.

Breakfast - Special K blueberry cereal with 2% milk.
Drink -Monster AZ for vidyagames

Drink - Green Tea with berry
Exercise - Squirt Gun battle with the bazooka super soaker. That thing is a workout to pump.

Lunch - Turkey Burger with lettuce, chipotle mayo
Drink - Green Tea with Citrus

Snack- Green Tea with Citrus
Exercise - Jogging in the pool

Dinner - small bowl of spaghetti with butter and cheese. applesauce for medicine.

Snack - 1 99 cent bag of popcorn + lo carb monster (capped)
Gaming snack

Midnight Snack - Tuna sandwich with a spoonful of leftover tuna on the side.
Drink - Green Tea

Saturday, July 30, 2011

On The Dot

218.0 today

Even with all the popcorn I've been eating! (But then again, it's mostly what I'm eating by itself I could make a meal out of that stuff. )

My metabolism must be getting faster since I haven't been diong much of aything at all this past week because the new house just went in and the area between my house and the pool has been high in traffic. (According to my mother, the pool was also green. Ewy.)

Breakfast -
Drink - Green Tea with Citrus

Snack - Popcorn (Finished the bag with my boyfriend it filled one bowl)
Drink - Monster/ quarter of a can of fresca

Lunch - Turkey Dog / applesauce for medicine

Drink - Green Tea with Citrus

Dinner - Turkey Burger, applesauce for medicine, 3 fried shrimp, salad, pasta salad
Drink - Fresca

Snack -

Friday, July 29, 2011

I had ice cream at 2am

Stayed up all night playing team fortress 2 so now I'm just above 219 today.

After I stopped playing I went to have ice cream and afterwards fell asleep :(
I'm going to stop doing that. Also, did not have a peaceful sleep since I went to sleep at 2 and woke up at like 7:40 this morning, went back to sleep and from then on heard something sounding like a huge industrial vacuum for the rest of the morning.

I also had a lot of popcorn yesterday. it's so good but I'm cutting my serving size to a handful. So every time I put that I had popcorn it was a handful size.

Breakfast - Turkey Dog + Popcorn w/ Monster LC

Lunch - buffalo chicken in a wheat tortilla with lettuce tomato and onion with blue cheese dressing. I had a small amount of popcorn
Drink: Green Tea

Snack - Turkey/cheese sandwich, light MW handful of popcorn and appleasauce for medicine.
Drink: Green Tea

Dinner - 1 slice of cheese pizza + popcorn

Snack - Popcorn + clementine

This will probably be the last time I buy a full bag of popcorn. From now on I'll see if I can get the 100 calorie packs or I will wrap up each serving size in a bag.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Stayed the same weight today.

Breakfast - Turkey Dog and popcorn with green tea

Lunch - turkey + cheese sandwich with tomatoe and onion with light miracle whip (and applesauce for medicine)

Dinner - Buffalo chicken in a wheat tortilla with tomato onion and lettuce with chipotle mayo

Spent an hour cleaning the fridge. My mom wanted me to put some drinks in there but there was nowhere to put them so I just took everything out and rearranged it all.

Going to the mall to look at computers for my boyfriend. His is starting to die. It'll overheat but won't shut down completely so when we're playing l4d and his computer goes out we start lagging rather than disconnecting completely.

We'll have to put some programs and stuff on CD so we can transfer them over to the new computer.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Doing it right

218.5 today. O:
Wasn't really expecting that but, then again, I did pretty much only eat turkey sandwiches and monster.

I had fun hanging out with my boyfriend's friend. We went to the arcade and played blaz blue, which I had never really had any interest in but it was really fun! I button mashed and couldn't turn my arm upside down after 3 opponents (9 fights). My boyfriend's friend let me borrow his copy of blaz blue for xbox. :3 I'm gonna play it as soon as I post this!

Brunch - Turkey Burger with lettuce, tomatoes, onion with chipotle mayo on white bun

Afternoon snack - Small bowl of ice cream
Evening snack - Popcorn

Dinner- Fried Chicken, pasta salad, applesauce

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

are the results there?

219 lbs

July 8th 223 pounds
225 pounds

Better than I was expecting

219.1 today!

It's not a huge step from my last weigh in but it's closer to the bottom and almost 218. I'm super excited. Whatever I'm doing is working. :D

I don't know if we're going to go swimming. Probably not but we are going to go to the arcade today. Maybe I'll go in my Bridget costume. lolololol

Possibly going to see a movie, not sure. The theater is right next to the arcade so if it comes up we'll probably go.

Breakfast - turkey cheese sammich applesauce and monster az

Lunch - turkey cheese sammich

Snack - Monster az while at the arcade. I had a workout with my wrist by mashing buttons on the blazblue machine. I wanna play again!

Dinner - 1 1/2 scoops of yellow rice and 2 small pieces of teriyaki (?) chicken

Monday, July 25, 2011

Back in

During the weekend I gained nothing. I also lost nothing leaving me at 219.6, still. Today my shorts that I usually weigh in were dirty and I put the in the laundry so I weighed in wearing jeans so I said my clothes were heavy. So today's weight is a little iffy but I'm going to stick with it until my pants are clean.

It's dark and seems like it's going to rain so no swimming today. We couldn't go swimming yesterday, even though I wanted to, because our friend that came over didn't bring any swimming shorts. He wore his soccer shorts on Saturday I don't know why he couldn't wear them again. Instead we went to the park where I sat on the slide and swings for half an hour while they kicked a soccer ball at each other.

Breakfast was the remaining quarter of my spinach and cheese calzone from Saturday.

Snack is applesauce with my medicine.

Lunch leftover chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes with corn from last night

Dinner pork chops and applesauce

snack Special K blueberry and water

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Breakfast grilled chicken sandwich from burger king

Lunch was a bite of my leftover calzone

Dinner was 1 and 1/2 pieces of chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and corn.

Drink was water monster green tea and rockstar.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Social mama: Hanging with friends

No weigh in today. Woke up hungry and we have a friend staying over. He is staying over again tonight so no weigh in tomorrow morning either. Did my 85 laps today In the pool. I may have done more but talking about costly ideas got me sort of distracted while trying to keep count. Ran around the park today too and played catch with our nerd football until one of the wings broke off. Went to the mall and got smack down vs raw 2011. We are going to return it tomorrow since we got it used from gamestop. The only thing I liked about it was the customization. We have enough fighting games anyway (2).

Breakfast was: eggs with ham and cheese with applewood syrup sausage thing. Ate about 3/4 of the sausage and only had about 1 egg from our scrambled mixture.

Snack was about 1/4 of a gatorade. I finished the rest when we came home from the mall.

Lunch was 1/4 of a spinach & cheese calzone and Caesar salad.

Snack was applesauce with my medicine. I finally got my pill crusher.

Dinner was cheeseburgers and pasta salad

Sack was 2 reeses and probably some smart food popcorn.

Friday, July 22, 2011


I broke my 20's if not just barely.

219.6 today. Good news for me! I'm hoping this is going to go the same way my last 10 went. Stay at the top for a bit while bouncing between 9, 6, and 4 until 6 is the highest and the bounce goes to 6, 4, and 2, and then go to 4 and bounce between 2, 1, and 0 until it slowly settles at the bottom of the next 10.
Kind of lame that it took me 11 days to lose a pound though :(

It's like a leaf falling from a tree.

Morning Snack - Turkey and Cheese and Green Tea

Breakfast - Turkey dog + Turkey sandwich


Dinner- Pizza

Thursday, July 21, 2011



No weigh in today because when I went down to eat (which I usually weigh in before), they were on wii so, there was no getting on there. So I skipped out. Weigh in tomorrow. Going to go swimming later today. After 4pm when my boyfriend gets home. We're going to do laps. Going to try a mile. (85 laps in my pool, according to my dad).

Breakfast, I had leftover spaghetti and veil parm. Having green tea with citrus for drink.

Lunch, Turkey Dog + applesauce

Dinner, Chicken and pasta salad (very little) + applesauce

Evening snack - Turkey and cheese on bread

Accomplished my 85 laps today. Probably more. I had children in the pool who don't seem to understand that you're not supposed to jump off the ladder when people are running by. Also they kept throwing splash balls at me while I was trying to do laps. I can't wait until one of them is back in school.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Just under 221 today. Still haven't broken the 20s!!!! GRRR

Kind of slipped today. Mostly because I forgot to take my medicine.

Breakfast was a turkey dog

Drank Monster Absolutely Zero during video games

Snack was a skinny cow ice cream sandwich

Lunch was a 5 layer beefy burrito from taco bell (We went out to the mall because we had to get a new headset for the xbox)

Another absolutely zero during more gaming

Snack was a 99 cent bag of smartfood popcorn

Dinner was my other burrito

Exercise was walking around the mall for a bit.

Tomorrow we're going to go swimming. I'm going to try to run a mile in the pool. Hoping that my cousins who will be over will not hinder that. I kind of need my boyfriend to help me keep count of how many laps I've done.

Maybe I'll finally go grocery shopping tomorrow. Not likely though. Thankfully school starts up again soon so there will be room for me to go again.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's hot

22o on the dot.

Maybe I'll finally break into the teens? Let's hope.

Breakfast was leftover chicken from last night with blue cheese and hot sauce. I had green tea with it.

For lunch, I had a turkey dog with cheese inside. (Mom bought them made that way). Had ketchup and mustard on it. Had a monster lo carb to drink and a couple sun chips with dip.

Dinner is spaghetti with veal parm.

I'll probably have another monster tonight (lo carb or zero) for video games.

Monday, July 18, 2011


A little under 221 today. I was hoping I'd finally break my 20s. Guess not. u.u

Today my new glasses came in. They're pretty sweet.

Breakfast was a turkey dog on wheat tortilla with cheese.
snack, at 12:30 was some sun chips and dip and an orange while drinking monster. My monster lasted me until 4pm
Dinner was chicken which i dipped in blue cheese and hot sauce.
Salad as a side
applesauce for medicine.
I had green tea.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Feeling a bit better today. Eye itches and I hate it because it also feels like there's an eyelash stuck in it. UGH.

Weighed in: 220
I'm not going anywhere but at least I did lose 6 pounds since my doctor's visit. (according to wii fit)

breakfast was a ham turkey and cheese sandwich on a hamburger bun because I think we're out of regular bread. I'm hoping to cut the ham out of my sandwich soon. I'm only eating because it's going to go bad and no one else is eating it.

Lunch,two fillets of chicken on wheat tortillas.

Dinner is going to be a 6" cold cut from subway. My boyfriend is finally taking me out to walmart and we have coupons for a free sub at subway (which is what our walmarts in NH have inside them, unlike the ones in oklahoma where they have mcdonalds...)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I feel terrible today

I'm not going to take my weight today.
I feel terrible. My cousins came over and my mom bought a slip n slide for them to use and I had to set it up but, when I put it under my arm to bring it outside, I think there was a powder or something on the toy that rubbed off on my skin and I happen to be allergic to. My arm swelled up for 2 days and today is finally looking a bit smaller and less red. It still itches, though.

Now, my eye is acting up. Under my eye and right at the end of my cheekbone, it hurts like I've got a black eye or something but I don't. It's weird. My boyfriend said that he gets something like that but told me to keep a watch on it in case it swelled up.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Good Night

Dinner was a sub from hillstore.
Afterwards, I felt sick. I still feel a little sick.

I'm gonna lay down and play pokemon and watch netflix. Just try to stop me!
I'll probably take a bath in the morning.

By the way, we think the thing on my arm is an allergic reaction to something.
Not sure to what, though. Mom says if it gets worse, she's going to take me to the doctors on monday.


Today, I lost .4lbs
221.6 is what I'm at.

For breakfast I had a turkey dog and an orange.
For lunch, I had a turkey, ham, and cheese sandwich with applesauce.
For dinner, I don't know what it is yet.

Something is concerning me today.
This appeared on my arm recently and I don't know what it is. If anyone is actually reading this blog, do you think you might know?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lunch and dinner

Lunch was a turkey dog and some sun chips at around 2. then at 5 I had another to keep me satisfied until mom actually decides to make dinner.

Dinner is going to be clam strips

I didn't eat too many clam strips. (Like 3. heh.) but I had corn on the cob, applesauce, and coleslaw. That all kind of filled me up. I also had water with dinner.


Okay, no more late night pokemon battles. That pizza was too much, I guess.

Anyway, at 222. It'll probably go back down. I didn't go grocery shopping (I wasn't even asked if I wanted to go). But, on the other hand, my boyfriend's check came in today and we will be heading to the bank and afterwards we can head over to the mall and walk around for a bit before coming home and probably go swimming.

This saturday is a squirt gun fight in boston. I don't know if we'll be able to go yet. My brother is going but he won't be able to give us a ride which means I'm definitely not going if my boyfriend isn't since I'd have to take the train and I wouldn't want to do that by myself.

Breakfast was Special K cereal with blueberries.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


220, today, again.

Brunch - Turkey burgers

Dinner - Chicken, salad, applesauce, pees, cranberry sauce

Late night eats - personal pizza, applesauce

Tomorrow is grocery day. I need to get more green tea with citrus so I'll probably go this time but we have to be home before four because it's pay day!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Lunch - 3pm Personal Pizza
Dinner - Chicken burger, a handful of sunchips, salad
Late night snack (I'm bad) - Sun chips, and orange, applesauce, turkey, ham, cheese on italian bread.

Up, but not by much

220.9 today.
Though I ate right before I weighed in today because I wanted a turkey sandwich and forgot I hadn't weighed in yet.

My spider bite is less itchy today but the red area around it is bigger. I'm hoping that's because I had been itching it and now that it's just a minor tingling itch it'll go away. I'm still covering it with bandaids though, to prevent any accidental itching.

In other news, today I have an eye exam. It's been a while since my last one. I might get new glasses today, I might not. I'm not sure. My boyfriend isn't going to be joining us like I had thought. He was called into work and won't be out until after my eye exam.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Didn't update last night but, did a lot more shoveling for about 2 hours.

Played Left 4 Dead 2, had a monster.

Then went out for ice cream! I had cake batter! It was delicious. And the best part? I lost weight. :)

Weighed in today at 220.3 my lowest this month. I'm not at my predicted weight, but I'm going at a steady pace. If I keep it up, maybe I'll still reach my goal.

As for today,

Breakfast was a turkey, ham, and cheese sandwich with miracle whip.

Then, went swimming for 30 minutes. Did 20 laps around the pool and washed my hair. I like washing my hair in the pool.

Then, for lunch, had a chicken patty on a wheat tortilla with a squirt of blue cheese and hot sauce. Also, had some sun chips with some cream cheese because the cream cheese goes bad this month.

Dinner is steak. I don't know what we're having with steak. Probably salad and leftover macraoni salad.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lots to do

Weighed in this morning. 221.

Went outside, shoveled rocks in the basement of the new house my parents are building. Did 100+

Went inside, had leftover clam strips for breakfast with a glass of water.

Went outside, shoveled 80 more times.

Got too hot and the shade disappeared. Went inside, got on my bathing suit and got a carbonated water, and then went outside and swam in the pool with my brother's dog and my parents.

Got out about 40 minutes later. Dried off on the porch, came inside.

Going to shovel more when the shade returns to the basement.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Chinese Sausage


Tomorrow we are going out to eat seafood. I will probably get clamstrips like I usually do.


July 8th, 2011

according to my boyfriend and dad, I don't look as lumpy in this shirt as I had in my last picture.

Shortly after this picture, I was bit or stung by a bug :(


I think it was the spaghetti and home made chicken parm.
Though I seriously did not feel well after eating it. My stomach immediately hated me for eating it.

I'm at 223. Not too bad, but I'm going to have to do some good dieting this weekend. Don't know if I'll be able to go swimming. Maybe in the mornings but not this morning. It's not hot enough out and there are rain clouds.

Saturday is my grandfather's birthday. We're having seafood I guess. I'm not a huge fan but I do like clam strips. I might get those if we go out. If we just have a cook out, I'll probably bring something to snack on. Like carrots. I like carrots.

Breakfast is the italian sub my brother got for me last night. :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

no weigh

No weigh in today. Mostly just slept.

Had a sandwich this morning and afternoon. Dinner is home-made chicken parm. with chicken patties and whole wheat spaghetti mixed with regular.

Went swimming for an hour and a half.
Not as long as the last few days but we went in late and had kids swimming with us.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Spent 2 hours in the pool again.

Lunch was microwaved broccoli with cheese and fat free ranch.

Supper was potatoes, pork, and pasta salad and applesauce.


I snacked.
Went up to 222. I believe it'll go down tomorrow.

Breakfast - Sandwich. Applesauce. Monster Lo-carb.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Breakfast Lunch and Dinner

Spent about 2 hours playing in the pool. Did a lot of laps. Counted the alphabet and then 20 and a bunch of laps in between. My head hurts and I feel dizzy. My fingers actually wrinkled in the pool today!

Breakfast - sandwich. applesauce for medicine.
Lunch - KFC twister wrap! (I got to go get it!)
Dinner - Chicken marinated in something brown. I hope we make broccoli with it. Yum!
I'll have applesauce for my medicine.

Dessert, I hope mom got us italian ice. If not, probably just drinks.




I don't think we have a lot to eat in the house besides sandwiches. I wish we could go out and eat, but my boyfriend and I decided we'd stop going out and spending money. We could only go places nearby which would be the hill store. But that's subs which are just like sandwiches. I really want KFC right now. Maybe we'll get to go when I get my eye exam. Probably not though, since there isn't one around that area.

Oh well, we'll see what happens today. Probably will go swimming in the pool since it's supposed to be really nice out!

Monday, July 4, 2011


had monster for video gaming. Played for an hour.
Ran laps in the pool for an hour. Hoping it's as nice out tomorrow as it is today. That way we can stay in longer since my boyfriend doesn't have work tomorrow.

Though, we need to find some other suits. I have bottoms but I need another top and my boyfriend could use a pair of swim shorts. After a week of swimming, our bathing suits got kind of skunky smelling.

Almost lunch time, probably going to have a sandwich since the platter we got is basically fries and onion rings...
For the price of the platter, the two of us should have just gotten another meal.


Did my weigh in. Was kind of wobbly cuz I had just woken up. Anyway, up to 222, today. Hopefully I'll lose that easily. It might be muscle from swimming and running for almost 2 hours.
Not saying that it couldn't be the sandwich from last night. But imagine if it was and I had had the waffle fries?

It's okay that I went up a bit. That was sort of the point since we were supposed to go Thursday right before the month, and my countdown, started.

Breakfast will probably be our leftover apatizers and lunch will probably be a continuation of that.
Boyfriend goes to work at 2, today, hoping to get some pool time in. Probably after breakfast.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


stayed the same weight.
breakfast was sandwich, the usual
monster lo carb.

lunch was another sandwich with chips and dip.

Watched space jam!
Dinner is buffalo roam wrap from chunkys
drink was 2 cups of coke zero. Side was a "matrix salad" which, was weird tasting. The lettuce was the leaf stuff. I usually don't like that stuff, but the darkness of the theater helped me eat it, anyway. Blue cheese was for dressing.

after the movie, had a small blue coolatta from dunkin donuts.

We ordered apatizers to bring home and we're going to have them tomorrow.

Midnight snack was applesauce and clementine for medicine. Forgot to take it when I got home from the movie because we went up stairs to play video games.
had a monster while playing video games.

Exercise was a whopping 2 hours in the pool.
Had a lot of fun. Lost track of laps at 20 so I started at A and counted up to &

Saturday, July 2, 2011

cookout - cant post in txt box 4 sum rsn. had dip tortiya chps chzbrgr and torte. add 2 much salt 2 torte. had mnstr. thats all.

Day 2 Food

Breakfast - Ham, Cheese, Turkey sandwich with miracle whip on country kitchen canadian white bread

Snack was ripple potato chips. Probably about a bowl full with a dip mix made from cream cheese (light), salsa, and hot sauce.
Also applesauce with medicine.

Dinner will most likely be cheeseburger. Possibly corn. We're going to a cookout, so I have no idea what they will have.

Dessert will definitely be a torte we made for the cookout. It smells sooo good :B

Exercise depends. Hopefully the pool at my uncle's is filled. I'll go in when more people are in so I can run in it while kids are distracted.

Weigh In Day 2


and so, I begin.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Had a Rockstar Zero carb before dinner with some applesauce.

For dinner, I had corn on the cob and half of my mom's sandwich which was already half eaten. So, like, a quarter of a sandwich. Had applesauce with that for medicine.
No drink.

I'll weigh in tomorrow morning.


For Lunch, at around 12:30, I had:

the other half of last night's cheeseburger, corn on the cob, and salad with Caesar dressing.

For snack, I will probably have applesauce at 4 or 5.

It's probably not good to start the 100 days like this, but I'm going to weigh in tomorrow morning when I wake up before eating. Today I did a lot of stuff before getting on so I can't accurately weigh my start.

today it starts

100 days from now, I hope to be 100 pounds lighter.

To start off the day:

Breakfast was
1 scrambled egg
1 clementine
Rockstar Zero Carb

Morning activity was
Water Jogging.

I haven't taken my weight yet because I'm drenched in water. I'll wait until I'm dried off and can walk normally.