What Does it Mean?

I'm not in the best of shape. I'm lumpy; I want to change that. I want to lose 100 pounds. It might be a bit much, but I'm going to try this in 100 days.
I think I've passed this mark. Going for March as my goal, now.

Weight Tracker

Weight Tracker
150 pounds by my trip in March?

Monday, July 18, 2011


A little under 221 today. I was hoping I'd finally break my 20s. Guess not. u.u

Today my new glasses came in. They're pretty sweet.

Breakfast was a turkey dog on wheat tortilla with cheese.
snack, at 12:30 was some sun chips and dip and an orange while drinking monster. My monster lasted me until 4pm
Dinner was chicken which i dipped in blue cheese and hot sauce.
Salad as a side
applesauce for medicine.
I had green tea.