What Does it Mean?

I'm not in the best of shape. I'm lumpy; I want to change that. I want to lose 100 pounds. It might be a bit much, but I'm going to try this in 100 days.
I think I've passed this mark. Going for March as my goal, now.

Weight Tracker

Weight Tracker
150 pounds by my trip in March?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

On The Dot

218.0 today

Even with all the popcorn I've been eating! (But then again, it's mostly what I'm eating by itself I could make a meal out of that stuff. )

My metabolism must be getting faster since I haven't been diong much of aything at all this past week because the new house just went in and the area between my house and the pool has been high in traffic. (According to my mother, the pool was also green. Ewy.)

Breakfast -
Drink - Green Tea with Citrus

Snack - Popcorn (Finished the bag with my boyfriend it filled one bowl)
Drink - Monster/ quarter of a can of fresca

Lunch - Turkey Dog / applesauce for medicine

Drink - Green Tea with Citrus

Dinner - Turkey Burger, applesauce for medicine, 3 fried shrimp, salad, pasta salad
Drink - Fresca

Snack -