What Does it Mean?

I'm not in the best of shape. I'm lumpy; I want to change that. I want to lose 100 pounds. It might be a bit much, but I'm going to try this in 100 days.
I think I've passed this mark. Going for March as my goal, now.

Weight Tracker

Weight Tracker
150 pounds by my trip in March?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Grocery Day

Thursday is grocery day. Though, today's grocery day was a little different because we had both of my cousins with us instead of just one.

Started the day off with about a handful of eggs cooked by mom. Like, I had a palm-full of eggs. Followed that up about 2 hours later with a mcdonald's chicken nugget happy meal. Bad, I know, but I had no choice. I was looking forward to salad from papa gino's.

Stopped by walmart to bring back my swimsuit bottoms that don't fit ( ; 3; ) and got a new pair for 2 dollars cheaper. Got some green tea for mornings and a haircut that I've been desperately needing.

Drank a monster afterwards.

Went to Market Basket afterwards. Got some fresh veggies and fruit. :)

Currently have 4k steps logged on my pokewalker.

Weighed in on the wii fit this morning, gained 2 pounds but that could have changed. I'll do another weigh in tonight.