What Does it Mean?

I'm not in the best of shape. I'm lumpy; I want to change that. I want to lose 100 pounds. It might be a bit much, but I'm going to try this in 100 days.
I think I've passed this mark. Going for March as my goal, now.

Weight Tracker

Weight Tracker
150 pounds by my trip in March?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

not feeling so hot today


Up, and I blame it on playing video games for so long that my ass hurts
and eating a sub. I'm going to work on a healthier order.
Also, partially blame our recent spending on the weight gain. when we weren't spending any money I was doing fine. After today, I'm going to issue another start to the spending ban.
(Except for materials needed for Genki costume. But that isn't food)

Movies tonight, last time I went was last month and it seemed to have made me gain a pound which I immediately lost+1 the next day. I'm going to follow my diet thing's advice and get a to go box before I eat it so I won't be tempted to eat it during the movie.

Didn't feel too well waking up this morning. Upset stomach. I feel like it's going to plague me all day so I'm mostly going to live through today on healthy snacks and green tea.

Breakfast - 100 cal popcorn
Drink - Green tea with citrus

Lunch - Turkey, Turkey Salami, Cheese, Light MW, hamburger bun (Wanted it on a wrap but we were out)/ applesauce for medicine
Drink - Water

Snack -
Drink - Monster AZ

Dinner - 1/3 clueless platter (two mozzarella sticks, two raviolis, two pieces of chicken, handful of onion rings and waffle fries)/ 1/2 buffalo roam wrap, 1/2 dish of cole slaw
Drink - Coke Zero

Snack -
Drink - Monster AZ

Found more of my diet green tea with citrus at walmart. It's handle was broken which makes me think that someone is out to challenge me. Also, I swear on the way to checkout a guy had a freezer door open and it had my name written in it. o______x

Tomorrow marks the beginning of our no spending which means, hopefully I'll start losing weight again.