What Does it Mean?

I'm not in the best of shape. I'm lumpy; I want to change that. I want to lose 100 pounds. It might be a bit much, but I'm going to try this in 100 days.
I think I've passed this mark. Going for March as my goal, now.

Weight Tracker

Weight Tracker
150 pounds by my trip in March?

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Didn't weigh in on the wii fit but I weighed in the bathroom and I'm still the same as I have been.

I ate:

a piece of my calzone from last night
applesauce (medicine)
Caesar salad
Monster AZ

Then I had
Another monster

followed by:
a bowl of peanut butter cheerios with lactose-free milk and Peter rabbit organic snack

Dinner was 2 pieces of pizza, caesar salad, applesauce (medicine) and a carbonated water

Then I had a red little hug drink and some hot cocoa. I drank it slow so my tummy wasn't upset.

Then I had some cheese and crackers with another carbonated water.